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Driving in Switzerland / Mobil in der Schweiz


The following web-site has important information about driving in Switzerland:


Transporting Children

It is mandatory throughout Switzerland that children under the age of 12 be strapped into child restraints (baby seats, child seats, booster seats and booster cushions), unless the children are 150 cm. or taller. Child seats should have the ISOFIX (International Standards Organisation FIX) logo.



Headlights must be on when car is in motion.



Helmets are  required.


Autobahn Vignette / Autovignette

An autobahn vignette is mandatory for driving on the Swiss autobahn and is in lieu of tolls.


Seat Belts:  By Swiss law, the driver and all passengers must have their seat belts fastened.


Emergency Triangles must be in the car for breakdowns or emergencies. First Aid Kits and Reflective Vests are recommended.


Winter Tires or all-year tires are required for driving in the winter.


Blue Zone Parking:  Parking spaces marked in blue indicate where one can park for free for one hour. You need a clock dial card indicating when you began parking. Dial cards are free and available in banks and many places of business.


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